The guarantees to Automobile Insurance given to companies are the same as those offered to individuals, but the management of contracts often tends to be more individualized both in terms of pricing that is adapted, especially for companies with a large fleet of vehicles, to the loss experience specific to each company and therefore to the prevention effort provided in terms of maintenance of equipment and training and motivation of the personnel, than on that of the management of claims which can lead to deductibles substantial (per claim, or cumulative by year of insurance) and has extensive cooperation between the services of the insured, the insurer and, possibly, the intermediary.

   Major loss prevention efforts are usually conducted by large automobile fleet insurers: passenger or road haulage companies. Accidents involving a bus or a truck can indeed entail very high costs in terms of human lives and personal injury and property damage. Both in the interest of the insured enterprise and of its insurer, it is important that effective co-operation be established in the development of prevention programs and the monitoring of their application with regard to the good condition of vehicles, the selection of drivers, their motivation (profit-sharing in the absence of a claim) and the respect of safety standards adapted to the working conditions (periodic rest periods, regular stops, sobriety, teams of two for the longest journeys, etc.). ).

Fleet insurance requires accurate and vigilant statistical monitoring by the insurer and, consequently, adapted and efficient surveilance Application.

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